2411 2024

Sukkel vom Haus Ming

2211 2023

Tiedje vom Haus Ming

1709 2023

Vinales vom Haus Ming and Nicole Kempf
BSP place 64
94-82-91 points.

0509 2023

Dear clientele, some question have arisen in
recent months whether we have a collaboration with
Di Casa Sintiago kennels.
The answer is no, not now and not in the past!

Thanks for your understanding and time.

2008 2023

Vinales vom Haus Ming and Nicole Kempf
are qualified for the BSP (3 times !)

1106 2023

Alive and kicking
(Sukkel vom Haus Ming)

2805 2023

Yab-Yum vom Haus Ming
10 months.

1505 2023

Four out of five dogs from the
"Y" litter
passed their Character Assessment

1105 2023

Yab-Yum vom Haus Ming
eight months first time with muzzle.

0510 2022

Healthy "Y" Litter !


1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Yab-Yum Langhaar frei L/L
Yab-Yum Zwergebwuchs frei N/N
Yab-Yum Hyperurikosurie frei N/N
Yab-Yum Degenerative Myelopathie frei N/N
Yab-Yum MDR1-Genvariante frei N/N


1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Yahama Langhaar frei L/L
Yahama Zwergebwuchs frei N/N
Yahama Hyperurikosurie frei N/N
Yahama Degenerative Myelopathie frei N/N
Yahama MDR1-Genvariante frei N/N


1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Yart Langhaar frei L/L
Yart Zwergebwuchs frei N/N
Yart Hyperurikosurie frei N/N
Yart Degenerative Myelopathie frei N/N
Yart MDR1-Genvariante frei N/N


1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Yoda Langhaar frei L/L
Yoda Zwergebwuchs frei N/N
Yoda Hyperurikosurie frei N/N
Yoda Degenerative Myelopathie frei N/N
Yoda MDR1-Genvariante frei N/N


1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Yuki Langhaar frei L/L
Yuki Zwergebwuchs frei N/N
Yuki Hyperurikosurie frei N/N
Yuki Degenerative Myelopathie frei N/N
Yuki MDR1-Genvariante frei N/N
2401 2022

According to todays ultrasound
Tiedje vom Haus Ming is pregnant.
All the puppies are sold out.

1101 2022

According to todays ultrasound
Vachie vom Haus Ming is not pregnant

2312 2021

Today Tiedje vom Haus Ming is mated too
Baccary vom Peiner Burgpark.
Linebreeding :
Quardes Eisernen Kreuz 3-3 , Agent Wolfsheim 4,3-4
(Olex 5,6,7-5 Yoschi 6,7,7-6,6,7 Troll 7-7,7,7)

1212 2021

Vachie vom Haus Ming is mated too
Fedor vom Ungalant.
10 January 2022 ultrasound 🍀🍀

1112 2021

Tiedje vom Haus Ming in good shape again.

2811 2021

Tiedje vom Haus Ming korclassed for lifetime.
(Little overweight but okay 😊)

2010 2021

Congratulations to Shirley and her Noortje vom Haus Ming.
Noortje passed her FH2 trial at the age of 12 with 98/100 points!
(Shirley held the trackingline too high🙈)

2010 2021

Congratulations to
Nicole Kempf and her Vinales vom Haus Ming.
They finished the BSP at place 26 out of 127 participants!

0110 2021

Vinales vom Haus Ming
has qualified for the 2021 BSP in Germany.
They have reached place 7 in the LGA and
place 10 in the seven countries competition in Austria.
We wish Nicole and her Vinales good luck!

0104 2021

Today Tiedje vom Haus Ming is mated too
Baccary vom Peiner Burgpark.
Linebreeding :
Quardes Eisernen Kreuz 3-3 , Agent Wolfsheim 4,3-4
(Olex 5,6,7-5 Yoschi 6,7,7-6,6,7 Troll 7-7,7,7)

1111 2020

According X-ray Umsa-utje vom Haus Ming is pregnant of six puppies they are all sold.

0910 2020

Plan "B"
In case of lockdown or no isag 2006 (Gringo)
Gaitano von der Staatsmacht x Tiedje vom Haus Ming
Pedigree 谱系
Olex de Valsory 2-5
Orla vd Schiffslache 2-5
(Gildo 6,6,7,7-7)

2609 2020

Umsa-utje vom Haus Ming artificial insemination

1309 2020

Umsa-Utje vom Haus Ming is sold.
We wish her and her new owner:
Mrs. Ahmadi, all the best !

1706 2020

Makker vom Haus Ming

1706 2020

Xes vom Haus Ming.
We had her euthanized because the damage was to big for surgery. She ate fishingline !!

3108 2019

Ixtrem vom Eisernen Kreuz
Tiedje vom Haus Ming
Date of birth 15-08-2019
1 female (XES)

1 week old

1407 2019

According the ultrasound Tiedje is pregnant.
(expecting date of birth 16 August)

1506 2019

Today Tiedje vom Haus Ming is mated too
Ixtrem vom Eisernen Kreuz.
Linebreeding :
Quardes Eisernen Kreuz 3-3 , Agent Wolfsheim 4,3-4
(Nick 5,6-6, Olex 5,6-5)

1612 2018

Kennel vom Haus Ming is proud to announce that we
have been distinguished with the breeders badge bronze.

1602 2018

Today Sorry vom Haus Ming is mated too
Trojan von der Staatsmacht.
Linebreeding :
Yoschi 4,5-5,Gimmi 5-5,5,Troll 5-5
(Germany/Gracia 2-2)

0303 2017

LiLi v Haus Ming son "JJ v Haardblick" (kennel co-partnership)
is qualified for the LGA & WUSV UNIVERSAL WM in Austria !
Congratulations to Nicole & Patrick Kempf !

0402 2017

Dodge daughter passed service dog trial
Congratulations to Geneviève Houben.

0402 2017

Utje (Umsa vom Haus Ming) 10 months.

1401 2017

Today Queen v. Nordenstamm is mated too Pablo v. Erlenbusch.
Linebreeding :Karn Fegelhof 3-3,Juma v Petze 5-5
(Crock 4,5-6,Mink 5,6-6,6,Gildo 5,6-6)

1410 2016

The most successful retirement
Thanks Nitro
Thanks Vadym
Thanks team Ukraine!

2205 2016

2005 2016

Nitro vom Haus Ming
Ukrainian universal winner !
And place 3 at the Ukrainian FCI qualification trial
(Best German Shepherd)
Congratulations to Vadym Lysak!

1503 2016

1411 2015

Queen vom Haus Ming korclassed.

0910 2015


2709 2015

Sorry vom Haus Ming passed her IPO 1
Congratulations to Frans Verduyn!

1009 2015

Nitro vom Haus Ming FCI WM 2015 place 58
Congratulations to Vadym!

2908 2015

Dodge son youngest dog at Norwegian Nationals
2 year 20 months place 10,
1 Month later Norwegian German Shepherd Dog
Championship place 5.
Congratulations to Maiken!

2008 2015

Tiedje vom Haus Ming DM free N/N and longcoat free L/L (Laboklin)

1108 2015

Nitro vom Haus Ming qualified for WM FCI in Zwitserland. Congratulations to Vadym Lysak !

1108 2015

Inox vom Haus Ming son passed KNPV test,
He got his admission to work as a servicedog for the coming two years. Congratulations to Peter Thijsen !

1307 2015

Queen vom Haus Ming is not been mated,
thanks to asshole Gerrit Klaase !

He prefers more to take care of his beer instead of my dog.

1107 2015

Last born Inox vom Haus Ming son passed his KNPV trial 417 points with honours Gratulation to Arjan Fraanje !

1107 2015

KCM 2015 championship in show The Netherlands
Oprah vom Haus Ming Excellent 2 in show and best in protectionwork ! Congratulations to Kati and Helga !
( Here we come ! Bundessieger Hauptzuchtschau Nürnberg )

0907 2015

Nitro vom Haus Ming is qualified for WUSV 2015 Finnland Congratulations to Vadym Lysak!

2806 2015

Oprah vom Haus Ming achieved again Excellent 1 in show!
Congratulations to Kati Neumann!

2706 2015

Jopy vom Haardblick is korclassed!
Congratulations to fellow owner Gert van Loenen!

2805 2015

The new handlers

2212 2014

1712 2014


1312 2014

Christmas clubmatch Sukkel vom Haus Ming show note:
"Very Good"

2311 2014

Queen Nordenstamm has been mated to one of the very real dogs at the WUSV in Haguenau Xanuk vom Grauen Star !

1911 2014

Leika vom Haus Ming has been mated to Vegas vom Haus Pixner for kennel: di Casa Sintiago

1811 2014

Congratulations: Team China and Vadym Lysak and with his Nitro vom Haus Ming.
Place 34 WUSV 2014 !

1811 2014

Nori ( Nico ) vom Haus Ming is back in our kennel !

1808 2014

Good job Geneviève and her Quandro vom Haus Ming!!

Photos by T.Mooij

0707 2014

(Sable, HD/ED/Back negative zw 72)
Check our site in august !!

0707 2014

After my heart surgery my health and condition is getting better.

0707 2014

Quandro vom Haus Ming beats the Mallinois (KNPV trail).
Best dog of the day 426 out of 435 points, Congratulations for Geneviève Hoeben !

1202 2014

Dora von der Holzinger Au is mated by Gaitano von der Staatsmacht for kennel: di Casa Sintiago (nl)

0302 2014

We proudly present: the very strong RSV 2000 BSP participater Queen vom Nordenstamm IPO 3 Kkl. ED/HD Negative Conformation: Excellent
She will have a litter in the second half of 2014.

0411 2013

Beware of cats!
Dodge was bitten and scratched by a cat a few weeks ago and today Dodge died !
04-11-2013 (✝)

2610 2013

Oprah vom Haus Ming korclassed congratulation to Helga Vonk.

3008 2013

We are proud to announce that we have Gaitano von der Staatsmacht in our kennel thanks to Lydia Rademske Gaitano ist ein ausgesprochener selbstsicherer, führiger Rüde mit überdurchschnittlicher Arbeitsveranlagung. Er ist sehr belastbar und hat eine tolle Griffveranlagung. Er hat echte Gebrauchshundeigenschaften!

Körbericht: Mittelgross, betont gestreckt, trocken, fest. Normaler Widerrist, gerader Ruecken, etwas kurze, gut gelagerte Kruppe, etwas kurzer Oberarm, gute Hinterhandwinkelung, normale Brustentwicklung, gerade Front. Gute, raumschaffende Gaenge. TSB ausgepraegt; laesst ab. V. Sehr fuehriger Ruede mit ueberzeugenden Arbeitsveranlagungen.

Seine Schwester Gracia ist ebenfalls eine selbstsichere und belastbare Hündin mit stark ausgeprägtem Beutebereich. Sie stand im Zwinger "von der Staatsmacht", ist die Mutter von Quardes, Trojan und Terror Staatsmacht.

Gina ist eine sehr schöne Leistungshündin, mit schnellen Angriffen und unermüdlichem Beutetrieb. Sie stand ebenfalls im Zwinger "von der Staatsmacht", bevor sie nach Irrland gegangen ist.

Germany ist auch ein sehr gut vererbende Leistungshündin mit schnellen angriffen mit aggression und beutetrieb. Sie ist die Mutter von der "M", "N" und der "S" wurf vom Haus Ming

1308 2013

Sorry & Sukkel 4 weeks old

2807 2013

Sorry & Sukkel 2 weeks old

1407 2013

Germany puppies are born much less than expected.

3006 2013

Quandro Vom Haus Ming from now on a service dog. Congratulations Geneviève !

0106 2013


Dynamite du Domaine d' Anajuan
is mated by Dodge Kiridesja
for kennel: Les Anges Gardiens (France)
gave birth to 5 puppies.
1 male 4 females, 1 sable 4 black.

2105 2013

a Great Hero left us,
26-04-2001 - 21-05-2013 (✝)

2005 2013

Top producer Germany von der Staatsmacht is mated to
Erk vom Waliboer Land
FCI World Champion tracking 2012 and 2013
SV German Champion FH 2012
Vice Champion BSP 2012 (Same points as the Champion)
WUSV participer 2012 disqualifition in protection.
and winner of many more competitions.

Pedigree 血统 | Video BSP 2012
Interesting line breeding:
Troll/Timmy B. Nachtbarschaft 4-5,5
Gimmi von der Abfuhr 4-4
Askia Froschgraben 5-5
(25 BSP participers in the pedigree.)

1205 2013

Puppies, 6.5 weeks.

1205 2013

Dodge puppies born for kennel Brigadens Sweden 3-5
1 sable bitch and 1 sable male rest black.

2804 2013

5 weeks, super colours and enormous food drive !

2804 2013

Quandro v. Haus Ming his first "oefendag" practice trial.
Handler: Geneviève Houben

2804 2013

Alexis Tosca vom hohen Moorland PH2 mated by Dodge Kiridesja kennel: Brigadens (Sweden) is pregnant!

2203 2013

Born 5-4 puppies very dark sable and black from: Pike Del Lupo Nero x Lili v. Haus Ming for kennel: v. Haardblick & v. Haus Ming

1403 2013

Alexis Tosca vom hohen Moorland PH2 is mated by Dodge Kiridesja for kennel: Brigadens (Sweden)

1303 2013

11 month old daughter of Dodge training in Beijing, China
Video: Training - Branka

2301 2013

Born: 2 males 1 female out of Dynamite du Domaine d' Anajuan who had a terrible fight during her pregnancy and lost her right front leg!

2812 2012

Dewie Di Casa Sintiago is mated by Dodge Kiridesja
for kennel: Di Casa Sintiago

2411 2012

Dynamite du Domaine d' Anajuan
is mated by Dodge Kiridesja
for kennel: Les Anges Gardiens (France)
Our compliments for Cedric who drove more than 1200 km. to visit our kennel for a stud of Dodge


my name is ..............DODGE !!!! is that clear ??
small but brave

0611 2012

Gippy/Dodge puppies choosen by very good handlers:

Sable male Brigadens"FRONT" for the 2 times in a row Swedish Champion and 1time Nordic Champion !
Sable male Brigadens"FROST" for 2 times vice Champion of Norway !
Sable male Brigadens"FRACK" goes for military work
Black female Brigadens"FEJ"stays at kennel Brigadens
Black female Brigades"FEJA"goes to Danmark Police
Sable female Brigades"FAJTA"goes Security and breedingcontract

Mona Hendriksson says:everybody is very impressed of the quality and the uniformity of the litter.

We are extremely satisfied with the litter and we are almost certain that we will do a repeat breeding.

Very interesting line breeding :
Nick Heiligenbosch 3- 4,5

1109 2012

Cleopatra v.d. Hildernisse and Makker vom Haus Ming
puppies are born: 3 Males 1 black and 2 dark sable
4 Females 2 black and 2 dark sable
for kennel: van de Hildernisse
very interesting line breeding :
Timmy boesen Nachtbarschaft 5-5
, Fado v. Karthago 5-5


1007 2012

Sheilla van het Coothplein is mated by Dodge Kiridesja
for kennel: van het Coothplein


Luca vom Haus Ming
(owner:Joop Bremer after a break of 1,5 year)

KNPV Trainingday for GSD in Hengelo


From today is our kennel
Makker vom Haus Ming
IPO. 3 HD,ED,Spondy free DNA
Thanks to Frans Verduijn who gave us
this strong and dominant dog
Makker will be in"therapy"for the coming months


Li Li vom Haus Ming x Pike del Lupo Nero BSP 2011
Puppies are born, but all death.

1505 2012

Nebraska Roosfaya is mated by Dodge Kiridesja
for kennel: van het Buitelaar 2-3 puppies are born


2-3 puppies are born in Beijing,37 days old.

2204 2012

Congratulations Helga Vonk with Oprah vom Haus Ming
PAK 2012 Place 3


we have our chip and are ready for take off


Chiente arrived in Beijing
her new owner is very pleased with her
we hope she will give a lot of strong puppies



Dodge Kiridesja is korclassed in Kkl.1 with very strong TSB !

6-11 2011

From today Dodge is in Nijmegen.

1410 2011

The new handlers

27-8 2011

KINSKI and GERMANY puppies are born
10 dogs 1 bitch !

21-8 2011

LGA 2011
Place:2     Kinski v. Heidhof     96-97-94
Place:6     Pike del Lupo Nero     94-92-98
They will participate BSP 2011 Meppen

Congratulations to Hans - Kubik and Michael Zamzow !!

30-7 2011

Luca vom Haus Ming in action owner: Joop Bremer

30-7 2011

Kinski had today his last qualification trial for the LGA
100-98-99 !
Congratulations to Jurgen kubik and his Kinski

29-7 2011



24-7 2011

Lili is mated by Pike del Lupo Nero (LGA)
For more information see " puppy "
in cooperation with: Kennel vom HAARDBLICK

23-7 2011

Lili vom Haus Ming is korclassed in Kkl.2
Dortmund-Scharnhorst Judge: Scharschmidt

30-6 2011

Germany is mated by KINSKI HEIDHOF 3x BSP !
For more information see " puppy

18-6 2011

Dodge missed the Dutch KNPV championship trial by 1point !!!!!!!!!!!!
We know shit happens but ...............still.

15-5 2011

Dodge will be koerclassed as soon as posible,last Saterday he received the showrate SG 1 and Thursday he passed his AD trial.

June 18 Dodge will attend the selection trial for the KNPV championship 2011

29-4 2011

Today we had to put Yak into sleep he had a small accident with a big consequence he was playing with his son,skid and broke his back!

15-3 2011

Yak vom Haus Pixner is mated with Anoui von Gerland
kennel: Bukovina Land (Oekraine)

11-3 2011

Semen from Dodge Kiridesja and Felix vom Haus Pixner in Stock !
Felix is the brother of Filiph (died 05-12-2007)

7-3 2011

Dodge kiridesja PH2 is mated with Chiente di Casa Sintiago PH1
kennel: Di Casa Sintiago

1-3 2011

Dodge KNPV Nationals 2010

2-13 2011

Malinois in China

6-10 2010

Dodge HD Normal, ED Normal, Back No remarks !
He is available for studservice now !

3110 2010

Dodge champion of the Northern Netherlands
419 out of 420
Congratulations to
Koen Steen!

2-10 2010

A Kobalt v. Haus Ming son and a Ignaz v. Haus Ming son passed their
KNPV Police dog 1 trial.
Congratulations to Jan Derksen and Ed Freriks!


Congratulations for BSP winner 2010 Claudia faller and her Dylan vom Randegger Schloss !
We hope she will be as succesfull with her young dog Nitro vom Haus Ming


We are proud to announce that we have in our kennel the Nr 3 of the KNPV
Nationals 2010 see for more information under studdog
He has been x-rayed today and after 5 years NO REMARKS


Leika vom Haus Ming 3rd place LGA Gelderland.
Congratulations to Helga Vonk Club Maldenburch


Again a MAIK son passed his KNPV trial:
"JARI" M. Versluis Congratulations PH 2 446 Points out of 455 points

2610 2009

MAIK Son passed his KNPV trial Object 353 + 25 CL points out of 356
Congratulations for "Jari" and Rini Versluis

19-8 2009

Dear friends please use our new banner

23-5 2009

Another INOX son passed his KNPV trial: "Rambo" J.Derksen Congratulations PH 1 386 Points out of 440 points

9-5 2009

Again a INOX son passed his KNPV trial: "Lubeck" j. Rekers Congratulations PH 1 432 Points out of 440 points